11-08-2014, 05:59 AM
Hello BBHF members!
I'm James Thomas, an account manager at TruelyAds.Com . We are a new Desktop and Mobile Advertising Network and some thing still improve. At TruelyAds, You not only monetized your Desktop and Mobile traffic but also You can earn DAILY REWARDS if You have good achievement ( good quality traffic, making videos, give your idea for imporove our network etc ).
Why You join our Network ?! Check our Network information bellow:
+ Payouts :
- minimium pay out: No-minimum payount
+ Payment Frequency :
-Net 30 ( if You generate around $1000+ with high quality traffic, We'll bonus You 20% and next month we will payout You with net 15 with any profit ).
-Net 15 ( If You generate around $1000+ with high quality traffic, we'll bonus You 20% and the next cycle payout, You will receive payment at net 7 )
-Net 7 ( If You generate around $1000+ with high quality traffic, we'll bonus 20% and the next cyle payout, You will receive payment at net Daily. )
+ Payment Methods :
+ Referral Commission : 3%
Commision Type :
+Affiliate Menager :
-James Thomas
+ Number Of Offers :
100+ ( We just add hot conversion offers, don't like un-nesscesserry offers. Our team has filler and check clearly to ensure that the tracking link still working right ).
Offer Types :
-Non Incent
Offers For All Countries !
We're hope that we can working for long term!
Contact me :
Email: james.thomas~truelyads.com ( replace ~ to @ ).
Skype: jt.truelyads
Best Regards!
TruelyAds event:
+ Since the begin day of 8th, Novembers to the end day of 15th, Nov, Times Zone Eastern Standard Time (EST) if You generate around total $500 with quality traffic, we'll bonus instant to Your Paypal account $100, just for first 3 slot only.
+ Since the begin day of 8th, Novembers to the end day of 15th, Nov, Times Zone Eastern Standard Time (EST), If Your application has been accept and leave your feedback, we will bonus instant $5 to your Paypal account. Just for fist 3 slot only. ( Require: Your username on BBHF must have over 100+ Post and look professtional ).
+ Since the begin day of 8th, Novembers to the end day of 15th, Nov, Times Zone Eastern Standard Time (EST), If You make a review / introduce videos about TruelyAds.Com , You'll have a chance to win $50 if Your videos have good quality.