11-06-2014, 09:57 PM
Visual Composer Extensions includes 50+ beautiful new elements, to be used with your Visual Composer; each individual element and feature can be completely disabled in the plugin settings if you do not need it, saving server and memory load. But that’s not all – you will also get some new custom post types to be used with some elements; all custom post types can also be disabled individually if you do not want to use them. By giving you total control over which elements should be loaded in the first place, you can create your own custom set of elements to be used. If your Visual Composer came bundled with your theme, please ensure that the theme authors didn’t modify Visual Composer in a way that it might prevent add-ons to function correctly. The plugin will work best with unmodified versions of Visual Composer.
Demo: http://codecanyon.net/item/visual-compos...ew/7190695
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