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Hey Guys!

So, I've recently started using a site which gives you access to literally every theme you'd ever need for anything, they even host your sites for you and give you a free subdomain! They even have paid plans if you want to go crazy, but that's not needed at all!

I started not linking anything in my threads, to protect the site from leechers.

If you want the link to the website to setup your free account, just post a comment on here and then PM message me. I will NOT respond to a PM if you haven't left a comment below!

- Blue
yeah that would be great bro. PM me the link. PMing you now
sounds interesting and are these both html and wordpress?
sounds awesome.. pm pls
thanks, pm please
looks interesting
yes plz kindly
Pm sent ! Thanks!
Everybody that PM'd me has received the link to the website!


(11-06-2014 10:00 PM)dstoltz Wrote: [ -> ]sounds interesting and are these both html and wordpress?
To my knowledge only HTML, but they give you access to a Drag-and-Drop editor which allows you to easily configure your themes!

- Blue
let me in yo! added rep :D
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