Make Money from Home Writing - Elance Money Making.
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Good stuff, thanks and rep added!
Not working... Any new working coupon? thx
Not working... Any new working coupon? thx
New FREE coupon would be appreciated.
Good stuff thanks
Course is no longer available
manoj1993, Newbie...
Small point of advice:
Notice the dates of posts !!
The OP here was made in 2014 - as well as the last reply.
At that age it is a good guess the subject matter is either dead, or nearly so - like this shows at the course's URL:
The course: Writing for Elance Clients: Create Your Home Business Online is no longer available to purchase on the Udemy platform. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Expect less patient, veteran users to ream you a new bodily orifice with regularity whenever you carelessly resurrect ancient and dead threads.