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Full Version: [Get] Themeforest - BeTheme 5.0
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[Image: be.png]
Version 5.0 - November 1, 2014

* Added: Google Maps API v3 Styled Maps
* Added: Single Post and Portfolio Item - Header Image
* Added: Our Team Item and Shortcode - vCard Icon
* Added: Blog - Content can be added above projects list
* Added: Blog - Category Page - Category description or Blog Page Content
* Added: Portfolio - Content can be added above projects list
* Added: Portfolio - Category Page - Category description or Portfolio Page Content
* Added: prettyPhoto - option to disable if you use other plugin
* Added: Shop - Header Cart Icon select
* Added: Subheader - Option to show/hide
* Improved: SSL support for attachment images
* Improved: niceScroll - Pages with short content
* Improved: Shop - Single Product - H# tags optimization
* Improved: Shop - Add to cart shortcode - styles
* Updated: Translation Files - .po/.mo
* Updated: Revolution Slider - version 4.6.3
* Plugins: WooCommerce 2.2.8 - compatibility
* Demos: Electric, Vet, Loans

- functions.php
- header.php
- header-shop.php
- index.php
- style.css
- style.php
- taxonomy-portfolio-types.php
- template-portfolio.php
- css/grid.css
- css/woocommerce.css
- functions/importer
- functions/tinymce/plugin.js
- functions/meta-functions.php
- functions/meta-portfolio.php
- functions/meta-post.php
- functions/theme-functions.php
- functions/theme-head.php
- functions/theme-shortcodes.php
- functions/theme-woocommerce.php
- includes/header-creative.php
- includes/header-top-area.php
- js/scripts.js
- languages
- muffin-options/theme-options.php
- plugins/

We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.


Mannnn *_*
Thank you so much!
You would not like to upgrade to version 5.0.1 ?

Even if not, I thank you again ^_^
Thank you +rep
zippyshare mirror, please?
anyone have the last update?
I need a help! This theme hatom error... Hatom feed no good. Somebody has improved this template to share it done. Thanks!
Great theme. Thanks! Max reps added. :)
anyone has the demo files ???
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