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Juice your way to better health!

Millions of Americans don't get the recommended daily amounts of fruits
and vegetables in their diets. If you want to try an easy way to drink
some of these fruits and vegetables, you'll find all you need in The
Everything Giant Book of Juicing. It's packed with 300 recipes for
fresh, delicious, and easy juices for nutrition on the run, including:

• Boost juice

• Grapeberry cocktail

• Carrot mango cup

• Tropical treat

• Mint shake

Adding fresh juices to your diet can help ward off colds and migraines,
promote longevity, shed excess pounds, and prevent serious diseases. And
this all-new collection includes recipes for smoothies, frozen drinks,
and ice pops for more fun ways to include vitamin-rich foods in a
healthy, balanced diet. So whip up some juice, raise a glass, and make a
toast--to your health!

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