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Full Version: [REQ] Evil Business Magician Module 5 and 6
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Hello people,

Ben Adkin's eveil business magician has got really good reviews. It is shared as torrent at biztorrents but not the complete course. Can any one of you kind people in here upload the Dream Life worksheet (probably a word doc) and the following modules 5 and 6:

Session 5 – Different Corps and Ability Team

* Different Corp types and their benefits
* Who is on your A.B.I.L.I.T.Y Team
* Why You Need Each Of Them
* HOw To Choose Them Wisely
* When To Call In Your A.B.I.L.I.T.Y Team

Session 6 – Outsourcing and Staffing

* 2 Keys to knowing the types of employees that you want and need
* How to hire the right people
* How to pay your team
* The secret to powerful company culture
* Accountability and action reactors

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