I am looking at making 50 niche sites and blast them with backlinks and articles in the first week and after then, just update each site 2 times a month with a few backlinks and article after that!
In your guys view do you think I'll likely get $3 a day from adsense on each site? Is this realistice or am I aiming to high?
Would love to herewhat you guys think

(06-17-2011 02:29 AM)chris4africa Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,
I am looking at making 50 niche sites and blast them with backlinks and articles in the first week and after then, just update each site 2 times a month with a few backlinks and article after that!
In your guys view do you think I'll likely get $3 a day from adsense on each site? Is this realistice or am I aiming to high?
Would love to herewhat you guys think 
Aiming for $3 a day on Adsense was not bad!
If your interested there is a gangbang section where you can post a thread like Adsense for Adsense.
Meaning you choose or you ask supervip members too click on your adsense sites not daily but even just a week to make it less suspicious. now imagine having many adsense clickers on your adsense site, you think you will get just $3 a day? i doubt! You can even earn more than $10 for that, but i suggest do not be in a hurry cause ADSENSE was really smart enough, if they get suspicious about this matter,you adsense will be banned. So thats the reason why gangbang section was inside supervip room as free from google radar. Anyway since your not supervip, there are still lot of adsense methods here, you can also try the CTR theme, to help your adsense earnings convert good

Use the search button :)
Well i did search "adsense" in this forum and look what i got,
I was actually using a few methods i got from here and so far so good, i'm earning fairly.
I found some advanced methods too but i prefer to be in the safe mode cause i cannot risks being banned in adsense but so far so good you can see lot of useful stuffs here.
Cheers guys for the fast response! You see my goal is achive $3 a day on a site and if I can do it I'm gonna hire a few guys to run these site and goal is to get 500 sites running at $3 a day! Labour is cheap in South Africa so I'll make good money then if, I can pull it off! ;)
(06-17-2011 03:03 AM)chris4africa Wrote: [ -> ]Cheers guys for the fast response! You see my goal is achive $3 a day on a site and if I can do it I'm gonna hire a few guys to run these site and goal is to get 500 sites running at $3 a day! Labour is cheap in South Africa so I'll make good money then if, I can pull it off! ;)
You can try some adsense alternative too like bitadvertiser. Now do the trick/method you do on your adsense with advertiser.

Sweet like a lemon! Bitadvertiser looks pretty good and defo look at going that root as well! Love this forum best thing i've ever signed up too!