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Full Version: [GET} Jobify v2.0 + WP Job Manger Plugins
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Heres the link to jobify v2.0!7EshCQAI!uKKfUlIHd8...ErYS2WGApA

WP Job manager plugins!vZ0UXJhA!audEQYyL0P...asxsk3ozcM

plugins include
Application deadlin v1.0.7
Applications v1.4.1
apply with linkedin v2.0.1
bookmarks v1.1.0
custom fields v1.3.1
indeed intergration v2.0.7
job alerts v1.2.3
job tags v1.0.8
resume manager v1.5.1
wc paid listings v2.0.5

Does anyone have any updates for these plugins that they would be willing to share, or any plugins that are not included in this pack, I am also looking for the updated version of the resume plugin and field editor.

could you show me some pics ?
What kinda pics you want? I got a ton a selfies.
Has anyone got an update to jobify v2.0 or any of the plugins that are on here.
Latest is version 20.20 Oct 13-2014. Share that one if you have it.
WP Job Manager plugins asking for a license key. Any solution?
(10-29-2014 07:23 PM)x5tuts Wrote: [ -> ]Has anyone got an update to jobify v2.0.

Here is 2.0 link . Have fun! :)

Looks like I get you wrong, sorry. By the way, the last update was 3 days ago - 4 November 14.
you don't need license key, it all works perfectly fine without it, the license key is for updates only
(10-29-2014 01:57 PM)webimp Wrote: [ -> ]What kinda pics you want? I got a ton a selfies.
sweet! thanks guys ++reps for the both of you.
(11-08-2014 04:47 AM)avalon2013 Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-29-2014 07:23 PM)x5tuts Wrote: [ -> ]Has anyone got an update to jobify v2.0.

Here is 2.0 link . Have fun! :)

Looks like I get you wrong, sorry. By the way, the last update was 3 days ago - 4 November 14.
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