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Ultra Domain Source for PBNs - Never been seen before 50+CF and 50+TF Regularly Available

Quote:Hi everyone,

my name is Jason and I used to head up the online marketing, with specific focus on SEO at PartyPoker

When some people say they've "done it" in SEO, very few have ever actually "done it" in a truly international and competitive industry. I have!

You can check me out on LinkedIn - I truly have been there, done it and got the t-shirt, whether it is ranking #1 for phrases like Poker, Casino, Online Poker or Online Casino or a thousand other industries and phrases and I'm not just talking about in but pretty much every every country based version around the globe.

Before those days and since I've been working hard in search and one of my key and unique methods that brought those rankings in is what I am sharing with you here.

A unique and never publicly shared piece of information shared easily with you in a pdf, giving detailed information (and a touch of a personal story to explain it all) on how to gain domain names that regularly exceed a CF and TF of 50!

These aren't ordinary domains either, these are real and meaningful domains with value you can hardly ever imagine. Some of these are as if teams of people have been working for 10 years on them, creating the sites, creating and nurturing natural and honest links from natural and honest places. If you can imagine teams of people working for a decade non stop before handing the domain to you, then you can imagine the kind of domains we're talking about!

This is a method that has been safe and worked for over a decade for me and I can guarantee will work for you too, just read, digest, copy and do - You'll find yourself in PBN heaven, I promise it!

One of the core and important things about this methodology is it will not dry up. Every day there are new domains available and every day they continue to be available. One of the resources in this method is 349 years old (not a typo) and is NEVER going to go away.

Now, be under no illusion, this isn't an auction site, it isn't "click and forget" - you WILL have to do some work. If you're lazy, don't buy, but If you can follow instructions, have some ability to think outside of the norm and have the hunger for success then carry on .....

The Information on a unique source of domain names that has been seen by the masters in our industry and confirmed as unique, new and never seen by any of them previously.

To "test the water" on this methodology, and to make sure it wasn't too complex for others to use, I shared some information over in a private Facebook group that specialises in high end SEO and specifically PBNs. This is what a few of the members said, before i took the post down to protect the system and the methodology behind it.

Quite simply, they loved it!

Sales Page:

I'd suggest you buy it. But then again I did create it and am selling it, so am biased.

It is worth every penny and more!
I've seen this, worthy of a GB, I would be in
(10-24-2014 09:41 PM)JasonD Wrote: [ -> ]I'd suggest you buy it. But then again I did create it and am selling it, so am biased.

It is worth every penny and more!
The thing is with those offers is that they go pchhhhhhit as soon as you
read them, most of the time unpractical for one reason or another.

One thing I don't get with all these marvelous online marketing things: if the thing is do good, why the need to sell it, don't you make more money by using it?

question, if the marketing scheme offered works so well, why don't give
it not only for free, but offer guidance and SEO world against a share
of the revenue generated?

Wouldn't tat be more reassuring for the "customers" and more fruitful for the "editor"?

Just my 2 cents
(10-24-2014 09:41 PM)JasonD Wrote: [ -> ]I'd suggest you buy it. But then again I did create it and am selling it, so am biased.

It is worth every penny and more!
Sad , sorry fot that.
Quote:The thing is with those offers is that they go pchhhhhhit as soon as you
read them, most of the time unpractical for one reason or another.

That's a great reason for not buying it, but not a reason to steal my stuff.
However, if you read the FULL thread, including the FAQ you'll see I answer all your questions, before you asked them.

I'll still answer them though - just to show how wrong you are

Quote:One thing I don't get with all these marvelous online marketing things: if the thing is do good, why the need to sell it, don't you make more money by using it?

2 reasons. I am building leads for a related project - if you don't know about it yet, you will do and be pissed you never got in.
2ndly, cash is always welcome

question, if the marketing scheme offered works so well, why don't give
it not only for free, but offer guidance and SEO world against a share
of the revenue generated?

Time. It takes me a certain amount of time to create something but a hell of a lot more to do it your way. As well as that, it's my business and i want to do it my way. In your business, feel free to do it anyway you want.

Quote:Wouldn't tat be more reassuring for the "customers" and more fruitful for the "editor"?
Nope, for the reasons given above, and on the sales thread

Quote:Just my 2 cents

I dont think they're worth that much
Hey Jason,

I already bought the product legally.
Are you happy now ?
And again, just another crappy WSO.
If you think that's crappy no wonder you don't rank dude.

I checked you out - fraud - all over it!
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