10-20-2014, 11:52 PM
From button beta test
button is word-press plugin for affiliate websites to increase its
conversion by adding multiple offers for one product instead of just 1.
Maximizing Conversions By Offering Multiple Conversion Options to your products as
you can add another offers to your product to attract more visitor to
buy also you can choose another high commission offers to increase your
See reference for idea ( Maximizing Conversions By Offering Multiple Conversion Options - Moz )
Also some brands (ASUS Transformer Pad Infinity TF700 review - Engadget )
![[Image: landing-page-1.png]](http://betatest.frombutton.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/landing-page-1.png)
So why we don’t try it in our affiliate websites to increase our profit with very simple way .
With our plugin you can add many offers to your products in pretty
slick area and design your call to action with beautiful colors also
simple management to your offers.
Example: you can see our plugin ( from $ 105 - 995 ) Nokia X Dual SIM review | frombutton.com
For apply with us we need this requirement:
1- Active Affiliate website with amazon.
2- Affiliate site in electronic and computer niche (preferable).
3- Make good sales with your affiliate site.
4- No need to increase traffic during test period (constant traffic).
5- Knowledge of other affiliate programs and local retails in your niche (preferable).
We can solve any technical problems like:
1- Why to add another offer to your current offer (amazon)?
2- What's type of product that you target with from button?
3- How to find affiliate offers in other retails?
4- How to choose offers for your product?
5- How to choose image to your button?
6- How to add the unique affiliate id from different retails with APIS.
7- Precaution for using from button for right conversion.
Achieve :
you will achieve case study for us with as you'd like screen shots of
the plugin action when you work with it, done by you and you can easily
add illustrating notes, arrows, or whatever is needed to make a screen
shot demo of the work you do while testing your plugin.
On the case study, you will do the above demo combined with a written summary is what i need. A graph you can do also.
If you want to try with us you can take our survey now in
https://{{{Blocked by Omni Potens, - GB hijacking link to a site + collecting email address /forms/d/1n31...ewform?c=0&w=1
You will get the plugin and technical problems also 2 videos after you take our survey in your email if you applicable with us.
Thanks and welcome with us.
you can show our beta test page in ]]<<</um9bsA]from button beta test or ]]<<</YgLhWv]From Button Private Beta - Betabound
you can ask me any question to my email aliahemdali@gmail.com