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Full Version: TeeSpring Option: No "Tipping Point". Sell A Shirt, Get Paid.
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Just throwing it out there!

Why let TeeSpring keep your commissions if your sales don't meet your goal?
Pretty interesting alternative that makes sense. Yeah, it can be frustrating to sell some tees and not make any money because you fall short of your goal.
Hey thanks for the link, never heard of them before but they pay 35% so not bad
Hope it helps those struggling to make a buck on their Facebook ads and not hitting target with TeeSpring.

Just popped your rep cherry with +5!
(10-23-2014 12:23 AM)drmindbender1971 Wrote: [ -> ]Pretty interesting alternative that makes sense. Yeah, it can be frustrating to sell some tees and not make any money because you fall short of your goal.
Yeah, I'll be rolling out some campaigns this holiday season!

Looking forward to it. Just hit you back some +reps, too!
(11-02-2014 10:32 AM)bluefrog Wrote: [ -> ]Hey thanks for the link, never heard of them before but they pay 35% so not bad
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