10-19-2014, 05:05 AM
Dan Kennedy - $3,495 Information Marketing Super Conference April 1993 Edition
This is a DK classic direct mail marketing seminar and it's full of golden nuggets.
No description of these tapes were provided with the cassettes and I can't find a sales letter. The cassettes cover direct marketing and information marketing.
12 Tapes total converted to MP3s.
I ran these files through some clean up software. I have a lot of DK stuff both new and old including some great classics like this that I'll be providing.
Do not ignore this because of the date. Fundamentals never change and so many people who sell on-line today totally ignore direct mail so there's more opportunity now than ever before.
- NonConformer
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This is a DK classic direct mail marketing seminar and it's full of golden nuggets.
No description of these tapes were provided with the cassettes and I can't find a sales letter. The cassettes cover direct marketing and information marketing.
12 Tapes total converted to MP3s.
I ran these files through some clean up software. I have a lot of DK stuff both new and old including some great classics like this that I'll be providing.
Do not ignore this because of the date. Fundamentals never change and so many people who sell on-line today totally ignore direct mail so there's more opportunity now than ever before.
- NonConformer
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Part 1 - http://mir.cr/1OT6VWXC
Part 2 - http://mir.cr/XDIVDHOV
Part 3 - http://mir.cr/XCYWHAA7
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