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IF someone do a request is one thing

BUT WHEN 10-15 start begging in same topic

" I need it"
I love it
Share a need
and so on is only lee---rs and sad boys who spoil the art nulled scripts meaning

Take a minute and think where come all script from..
Someone must buy them and IF the guy is good he will share.
But when all begging after script no one will share good script

So instead of begging buy script self and ask someone to null the script and share .

This is a forum we share not begging as loosers
(10-19-2014 03:28 AM)xiaofang Wrote: [ -> ]IF someone do a request is one thing

BUT WHEN 10-15 start begging in same topic

" I need it"
I love it
Share a need
and so on is only lee---rs and sad boys who spoil the art nulled scripts meaning

Take a minute and think where come all script from..
Someone must buy them and IF the guy is good he will share.
But when all begging after script no one will share good script

So instead of begging buy script self and ask someone to null the script and share .

This is a forum we share not begging as loosers
reps added
Like they say....."No harm asking" ;)
Some come just to ask and beg never to contribute.
What webimp said. I've been here only a short time and just the few things I have contributed are more than those who have been here for a long time. Does that make sense to you?
Can someone forward me to some good info as what is to null a script? i would love to make some purchases and share them here, but i dont know what it means to null a script and who can do it, who to ask etc.

(10-20-2014 01:56 AM)Rud0lph Wrote: [ -> ]Can someone forward me to some good info as what is to null a script? i would love to make some purchases and share them here, but i dont know what it means to null a script and who can do it, who to ask etc.

nulling script is like cracking a program, to bypass the licensing so it can be pirated.
cul, so can all scripts be nulled? does plugins/extensions count as scripts?
eg can a single licence software be made to be sharable?
So if i buy a software and want to share it, where do i post it and how?
do i also provide the single licence or can it be nulled without my licence?
reps for you friend
(10-20-2014 02:09 AM)PRT Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-20-2014 01:56 AM)Rud0lph Wrote: [ -> ]Can someone forward me to some good info as what is to null a script? i would love to make some purchases and share them here, but i dont know what it means to null a script and who can do it, who to ask etc.

nulling script is like cracking a program, to bypass the licensing so it can be pirated.
First you must know something about php. then you can start read about this and get some hints , all dev have some own secrets . AND you must see where they do them

But is moore easy to buy a script Then ask IF someone can null the script.
And you do the deal with nuller about share script and blabla

will upload something and credits is copperb
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