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So, I'm curious to know if BBHW does anything to prevent WSO or IM author's from coming in here and claiming to be members here for the sole purpose of keeping their products from being shared here. Specifically, I have 3 people I suspect of being (for lack of a better word) "narcs".

I took a look at their profiles and they appear to be from the same location:

cliclfreedom - Local Time: 10-18-2014 at 05:46 AM
partner2 - Local Time: 10-18-2014 at 05:47 AM
PakHaxor999 - Local Time: 10-18-2014 at 05:48 AM

and they have very low post counts. Am I being paranoid or is it possible they work for the WSO/IM/Udemy authors to monitor these Blackhat website forums and report people who share their courses? Does BBHF even care? In a different thread I brought up a valid point about how we are prohibited from ripping/sharing Udemy courses because that might cause the course owners to stop sharing their coupons. However, what if the same people are also taking those Udemy courses and selling them on Warrior Forum as WSOs? Are they still off limits?
From the rules on this forum there's nothing about it, if you think it's a problem we all should speak on it and update the rules?
There's lots of spies here and there always will be. Wast of time even worrying about it. Links get dropped, new ones appear. And who are they going to report to? Product creators come in here all the time whining about shares and they get told the same thing. If their product is any good, it will get reviewed by the community and they'll gain customers. If it sucks, the community will certainly know about it and they'll avoid it. Threads do not get taken down because of product owners.

You cannot control sharing.

The deal with udemy was because a lot of authors on here create udemy courses. They share them looking for reviews most of the time. It's basically a favor to them.

I personally couldn't care less about the warrior forum. That place pumps out turd products all day long every day of the week. It amuses me how many people waste so much of their time chasing after and throwing their money away on wso's. And even more waste time downloading them on here.
i work on the lines of if it is a reputable members product then i would not share out of respect for them. If it was a member who had one or 2 posts to their name and the only reason they joined was to hopefully not have their product shared then sod them share away.
there are certainty people who watch over threads and get links deleted... it's the nature of the business... just upload new links...
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