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Full Version: [GET]Money Site Trainer by Josh Spaulding $87
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Thanks for the share. Reps added
Reps given and review below...

Not a bad course, and he does rabbit on a bit!

It's mostly about how to achieve a buying list from building an authority website, or a bunch of niche sites if that's what you want to do.

Basically, build a Wordpress website about your passion (if you can find your passion, that is!) or something you're very knowledgeable about. This has been said a thousand times before, so nothing new there.

He picks the woodworking niche.

He then goes over choosing a domain name and picking a hosting company. It was nice to see him not using Hostgator and GoDaddy as examples and also giving reasons why he doesn't use them. Not that it makes THAT much difference for what he's teaching here.

We then see him build the actual site using a free WP theme and the use of a few widgets, some paid for (Pop-up Domination for one). He goes over how best to optimize the site, or to NOT over optimize the site (in this case anyway) which makes another nice change from the usual stuff people are opining. He gives his reasons why too. He goes further into details of SEO in a later video.

Next is the email marketing video which is basically to get a few targeted subscribers from a pop-up optin form or squeeze page and build a relationship with them. Nothing new there, but it will help some people.

Then there's the on page and off page SEO stuff and he basically tells you to only do the bare minimum of work in getting your KW's into your page and content. More or less opposite to what you have been told in the past. Times, they are a changing, and all that.

And then the traffic video. Nothing new here as he goes into details of how to get backlinks from Forum profiles, blog posts and social bookmarking. He does mention his own service that does all this for you...hmmm?

It's not a bad course and there are things in it that can help you set up a WP website if you haven't done it before. I doubt whether he earns the many thousands he goes on about, but he's been in the business for a few tears (I checked) so maybe he's either cracked it or he's leaving an awful lot of stuff out in this course!

It's annoying when he talks about getting good relevant backlinks to your sites otherwise you'll be punished, but then I find out he has links to the woodworking site he builds coming from Pregnancy forums profiles and gaming forum profiles? He does have a PR3 website about Germany, of all things, which is quite hard to find in the SE's for it's keywords...does that tell you something?

So, final thoughts:
It's OK I guess, and better than a lot of the drivel that's out there but I would be a bit miffed if I'd paid the $97.

Verdict - meh
Yo New Kid! Thanks and nice share!

Stinky - gave you and New Kid both +5s!

We need you to write more reviews Stinky. For anyone reading, this is a REAL review - not a bunch of arbitrary, wishy-washy crap!

Bravo guys and thanks for both the share and review!

I could not have reviewed it any better myself. Spalding is a small-timer that wishes he was a major player. You gotta hand it to him for one thing - he's got a Photoshop ace making those fake screenshots for him - they're almost believable. Biggrin

An issue important to noobs is to take action and keep business notes (writing on paper) on your campaigns. There are nuggets of practical info in many products selling now; on page and off page seo, site set up, squeezepage, niche and keyword research, list building, etc. All of it is for not if you do not take action.

Actually review these downloads and take notes. Since many are rehashed crap look for trends of the actual products and steps involved. Then search BBHF for each related method. Search all the key terms and authors. Research and find patterns. Begin a journey with TRUE commitment while recording your private journey (in your own business jounal).

The author of this product had goals and regardless of said reviews has made some money. I am neither for nor against this product but Quasar, StinkMonkey and OP, The New Kid In Town have contributed to this thread and offered insight and I send +reps to all mentioned!

To all Noobs, treat internet marketing as a REAL JOB and money is to be made. Your job is not is copy and try to replicate what you download but, to evolve, adapt and prosper with what you have found.

Get off your asses. Turn of the TV. Turn of the Video games and focus! Get serious! Look at Quasar's posts and take to heart. Nothing is free and money loves action.
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