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Full Version: [Looking For] Twidium Inviter Beta Testers
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I would be willing to beta test perhaps in your contest.
I would love to give it a test.

I'm interested in Beta testing. PM me. Thanks.
-Multiple Post-
Please consider me for this beta testing.

I will provide in depth valuable insight, a review and testamonial for your future use.

If the product is good I will also promote it through my channels.

I tried to PM but you have reached your limit.

Many Thanks,

-Multiple Post-
I would be glad to provide you with an honest feedback on your product. If you are still looking for people to do this, I am interested.
Happy to review. Have a review site as well.
are you still looking for beta tester?

I'd be interested in testing out your software. I've been using Twitter to market for some time now, so it'd be great to see if Twidium surpasses the other Twitter automation tools currently on the market.
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