woow 5 downloads and no reps thanks guys ;)
here you go +3Rep ( i am 6 i guess )

... hope this works

Thxs xootmedia. Max +5Reps GTY. Was looking for this script ;-)
Old and buggy version. Version 6 is out.
Even on verion 6, i donĀ“t understand why they keep the old layout on gig details page.
(10-15-2014 05:34 AM)promonde Wrote: [ -> ]Old and buggy version. Version 6 is out.
hmmm ok and why don't you share it then ?
this is not nulled version
(10-15-2014 07:43 AM)mlucija Wrote: [ -> ] (10-15-2014 05:34 AM)promonde Wrote: [ -> ]Old and buggy version. Version 6 is out.
hmmm ok and why don't you share it then ?
Your just s.t.u.p.i.d or what...?