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Full Version: [GET] Content Clone by Coolice (Limited License Version)
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Pages: 1 2
I thought this had been shared on the forum but couldn't find it so posting now. Have had for quite a while but wanted to avoid duplicate share. Only reason I am now was doing some fresh Coolice Clone site installs and am applying it to see how well it does.




Upgrade to Unlimited Sales Page

If this is a duplicate please merge and accept my apologies. If you have Unlimited please be so kind as to mirror and share!
Thanks NoWnZeN, +5rep added.
I don't think this is a duplicate bro.. Repped .. Thanks for this awesome share Love
Reps given, thank you for sharing.

Unfortunately, this spinner doesn't do a very good job. Tried a number of articles and the resulting text is barely readable most times. Too bad too. Would be nice to have a quality solution.
Thanks nownzen, thanks for the good share +Rep added

Thanks nownzen, thanks for the good share +Rep added
Yes, I have to agree.

Looks like gibberish half the time or more!

Would still like to get my hands on Deal Clone, lol.
(10-14-2014 02:58 PM)b1tr0t Wrote: [ -> ]Reps given, thank you for sharing.

Unfortunately, this spinner doesn't do a very good job. Tried a number of articles and the resulting text is barely readable most times. Too bad too. Would be nice to have a quality solution.
Yes thanks for sharing my friend but the reviews on this product are not very impressive.

Nice to be able to try it for free instead of buying it and being disappointed.

Thanks. BATMAN
Thanks nownzen, thanks for the good share!
tanks for share bro has been on ere befor tho
can any one share baby clone
re-uploand Please

Pages: 1 2
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