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(03-28-2015 02:02 PM)theyellow Wrote: [ -> ]Oxy classifieds is a perfect script and easy to customize... dont try to istall third party S***** plugins..doesnt worth it!! and you will probably mess your perfecr running installation.. just my pesonal advice... MRgaidi versions are the perfect he is one of the most trustfull members heres and his shares are all them outstanding... ;)
Oxyclassifieds is great script... but missing some things..
1. separate advance search page
2. optimized refine columns
3. categories for dealers page
(03-28-2015 07:46 AM)silvery Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-28-2015 04:41 AM)astegos Wrote: [ -> ]Does anyone have, or intresting for group-buy oxyclassifieds plugins?
I can buy after Oxy v8.4 is out. I'll wait those plugins updated for v8.4..
8.3 plugins will be compatible with 8.4 version
A new announcement has been made titled 'Version 8.4 is launched!
Version 8.4 is launched! -- Today, 12:43 PM
1. Pending edited listings
2. Auctions
3. New administrator interface design
4. EU cookies module
5. Facebook comments added to Social Networks module
6. Norwegian language for site frontend
7. New payment - Klarna
8. Search form for dealer page

Fixes for previous versions:
1. Posting ads with Twitter needed an upgrade to API v1.1.
2. Fixed paginator issue on ratings and comments
mrqaidi, Please !!!!!
can somme one share the last version of oxyclassiifed 8.5 ?
Please add again download link
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