10-11-2014, 07:33 AM
Sales page
Quote: http://codecanyon.net/item/sabai-directo...ss/4505485
v1.3.23 – 16 June 2015
Quote: Added: Options to sort listings by claimed/unclaimed listings first
Bug fixed: Only 1 photo appearing with [sabai-directory-photo-slider] shortcode in 1.3.22
Bug fixed: Filters not working in 1.3.22
v1.3.23 – 16 June 2015
v1.3.22 – 16 June 2015
Quote: Added: New “Grid view” configuration section for fields
Added: Option to set the width of infobox on the map
Added: Option to display infobox on the map by hovering over listing titles, clicking markers, or never display
Added: New “Related Listings” tab on single listing pages displaying related listings in List, Grid, Map views
Added: New “Nearby Listings” tab on single listing pages displaying nearby listings with distances in List, Grid, Map views
Added: New “Nearby Listings” widget on single listing pages
Added: New “address_type” parameter for some shortcodes to display listings by city, province, zip, or country
Added: New “with_photo_only” parameter for [sabai-directory-slider] and [sabai-directory-photo-slider] shortcodes to display listings with photos only
Added: Option to hide featured listing icon from listings in List/Map/Grid views
Added: Option to specify slider step for “Range” and “Number (with slider input)” type custom fields and “Range” filter
Bug fixed: Guest users unable to submit listings when there were multiple directories
Bug fixed: Several display issues with [sabai-directory-pricing-table] shortcode
Bug fixed: Single claim popup in the backend not opening when listing associated with the order does not exist
Bug fixed: On/Off type custom fields not displaying correctly in RTL
Bug fixed: Incorrect image file specified for twitter:image:src meta tag
Bug fixed: Single payment order page not opening when listing associated with the order does not exist
Bug fixed: Stripe payment gateway checkout failing on certain occasions
Improved: Grid view to display listings in masonry layout
Improved: Better looking infobox on the map
Improved: Fixed some minor CSS styling issues
Improved: Carousel field to redraw slider when viewport modified
Improved: Numerous code improvements and refactoring
Updated: Some 3rd party js/php library files