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Full Version: Don't Buy Hosting From
You're currently viewing a stripped down version of our content. View the full version with proper formatting. is fruad and will not provide you services more than a month after that your site will down and they will tell you we are working to fix, and the issue will never fix and they will keep sending you copy pasted msgs on your support ticket.

From last 25 days my network site is down and they are still telling me we are working on, I am forwarding your ticket to concern department, our seniors are working to fix the isse bla bla bla.

I am going to file a complaint against if any one know a quick response GOV complaint center website please share with me.
This is not the right place where you would share your feelings, complaints or anything.

Find the appropriate place on this forum, where members can help you. Currently your post will be removed from here, as i have reported to the support and managing team.

You are sooo right.. they took my money and couldn't get on their hosting, sent in the support ticket, well 5 days latter they answered and it wasn't the right answer at all..

I went to these guys are awesome.. and right there to help. they get back to you within a hour or so if you need them

sorry about the plug.. won't happen again here......
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