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Full Version: [GET] 2 GB RAM, 2 CORE and WINDOWS VPS for 3 Months for FREE
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Hello guys,

I found this offer when I was looking for a free vps trial and I thought someone will find this useful.

enter this website:

you will see this:

[Image: 2n07p0w.jpg]

as you see hpcloud is giving $300 of free credits. this credit can be used to get a windowds 2 GB RAM, 2 CORE vps for 3 months for FREE.

but .. pay attention to the TOS:

[Image: oqzzaf.jpg]

you usage should not exceed $100/ month.

this gives you this plan:

[Image: ea5ph5.jpg]

That's all. Cheers,
CC and Phone number apply and verify while sign-up!
(10-10-2014 11:41 AM)imnik Wrote: [ -> ]CC and Phone number apply and verify while sign-up!
ofcourse my dear.
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