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Full Version: [GET] 72-Hour Nonfiction Books: Write Quality Nonfiction in 3 Days or Less
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Thank you so much for this!!! Thanks
(10-09-2014 03:52 AM)Quasar Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks OP and repped you +5!

Just a suggestion/recommendation: Please correct your thread title. It implies you have 72 books in this share.

The product is "72-Hour Nonfiction Books: Write Quality Nonfiction in 3 Days or Less a product about how to write books in 72 hours" - BIG difference!

It was written by longtime WF loser and major butt-kisser Bill Platt. He has been around for long time on the WF, but is a still a minimum wage earner and major bullshitter. However, he does know a little about writing despite the fact he is otherwise a very minor player.

This is worth reading for the newbies if you want to know a little about creating/writing nonfiction books for Kindle, but it is NOT about how to make big bucks with it.

He has never figured out how to make serious money.

Had thought the World skew'd, off kilter, racing through space in an undefined orbital 'black death wobble.

How could this perception not be wrong given what has and is occurring these last torn terrible years, especially recent sordid months.

But then-- but then, spied here nestled in an innocuous lost thread the blazing sharp light bite of a Quasar.

Surely then there IS a constant, a stable force alive in the Universe.

And this is exactly what human kind needs, a sure stable never changing prickly thing to grasp on to, assuring us, all is not last.

For if it can still be read here, the cantankerous, crusty, some may say cruel. in your face Quasar taser talk -- raw, real, unrelenting.

A validation that rock steady, unflinching bite backs still exist; and then so must we.

Wither not bright burning star-- wither not.
(10-09-2014 03:05 AM)manythanks Wrote: [ -> ]Salespage:

Magic Button :

That is an awesome sharing - many, many thanks!!!
I guess I'll just say ... "MANY THANKS @manythanks!" Ha-ha! Max reps for this share.

Here is the Black Hat Torrent mirror.

BestBlackHatForum Mirror

Magic Button :


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This has been updated for 2002 see here
Post #14 works!
Thank you cgschmidt :)
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