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(10-16-2014 09:57 AM)JDM Wrote: [ -> ]I created an account to get to the actual course, but it's not being recognized -- 'won't let me in.
Any chance you can get and share those files from this training course?
Already rep'd you.
Please share a login, working link or the files at follow up master plan .com / members
i think i saved everything else--had to save the html page--but does ne1 have access u/p for #2 master plan? or plz share the files? tks.
What I didn't know is that my email marketing procedure is already outdated. This stuff has lots of methods that will not only teach better methods but also it teaches how to systemize everything of your email marketing procedure - and it's a very time-saver.

Thanks timmypotz for sharing this amazing material.
Many thanks for this awesome share! Great job! Reps added. All the best! Take care! Cool
Max reps added
Great Share! Thanks!!!
Thanks for your awesome share..................
Please how can i access the "The Followup Master Plan"? it requires me to sign in and when i try to sign up it reject it :(
mega mirror including swipe files
Im getting my A/V blocking the 3.5 Mb it 3.5 Mb in size?
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