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Full Version: [HELP] How to Find Keyword has low competiton?
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Maybe friends want to share how to find keywords with low competition and high CPC.
It sounds cliche but you need to find a specific niche first then fire up Google Keyword Planner to see the keywords in the niche.

You can utilise SEMrush as well to see what keywords websites ranking on the first page. You can pick the ones with high CPC and to see whether they are low or high competition, you can use Long Tail Pro to check.
I use long tail pro but I have not been adept at using it. According to you if you use the long tail pro how to get a low competition keyword
Do you use the platinum version? It can give you the keyword difficulty with 0-30 being easy, 31-45 medium, and anything above is hard.
But the best way to judge, always go to SERP and look at the competition yourself and check your competitors backlinks via ahrefs, majestic.
if you use LTP try to choose keyword that have KC below 25
(10-02-2014 01:31 PM)syaiful91 Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe friends want to share how to find keywords with low competition and high CPC.
I can help for you... but it's not for free.
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