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Full Version: attention if you give your money to x3xeM_Syahmie_BBHF will lose your money
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a few days ago and asked this scammer lamer lamerino lamerozzo call it what you want a program that is not found anywhere and not having enough money to buy it I thought he could break it to me he said he could but in return I asked for money to
not what I imagined, and that after receiving my payment would send me a file that also compromise my system and that since paypal or paid with their gift option would not have refunded over everything and then invented a fake service smpt and also that he wanted to foist also created a tread that has been already closed

all his castle of accounts and various crap blog will soon be destroyed 20 EUR me a stolen if not enjoy them for a long time my hope that this will help other people to not be stealing money from these small jackals who just want to take advantage of all we
stupid .. you the one the scammer.
thanks for ur review
Ohhh Thnks For Informing :D
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