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Full Version: [GET]Ubermenu 3.0.5 clean
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Hello guys, after the recent threads of someone giving away infected code in this section I decided to share some things I purchased as they are downloaded from the seller's site.

Here you go with Ubermenu, a must have plugin for any wordpress site. I'll try to update it as soon as any new update is released but if I don't, pm me and I'll do it asap.

v3.0.5 September 28, 2014

* Feature: Scroll To Offset
* Feature: Disable Images on Mobile
* Feature: Clear Menu Item Settings
* Feature: Lazy Load submenu images (experimental)
* Feature: Show item's submenu by default
* Enhancement: Improved auto-column distribution algorithm for Dynamic Items
* Enhancement: Resize Tab heights when sizing from mobile to desktop
* Enhancement: Disable Auto Row if Submenu Column Default isn't set
* Fix: Prevent Max Menu Height setting from overriding collapsed mobile menu height when using a custom breakpoint
* Fix: Include items without submenus in selector for setting individual item hover state color



Magic Button :

Magic Button :
Thanks bro... +REP added
Thanks for your share , REP Added.
Thanks for sharing!
Rep added!
Thanks rep added.
Thanks for sharing
great share, thanks!
Thanks asphyxia, rep added
Errrrrm. is it just me or does it d'l a .dmg 'downloader' ? ... Mod?
(11-05-2014 07:09 AM)eiertee Wrote: [ -> ]Errrrrm. is it just me or does it d'l a .dmg 'downloader' ? ... Mod?
No offence but you are not able to download from a file sharing website?

Depending on the mirror, almost everyone is trying to make you download their download manager and install a bunch of crap..just keep your eyes opened and read where you click.
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