The Best Spinner 3.511
Download link from developer site:-
1.add two following entries in host file- http://www.thebestspinner.com3
2.install the setup file, but don't open
3.delete the both host file entries,then best spinner
5.leave login and password blank, press enter
Note- if you get any invalid error, don't close the application, login again as prompted.
1st its take some time to update database.
Note: If shows invalid login again and again, wait for 1 or 2 hours and try again. This way its working for me.
Don't share any where else.
Please leave a comment and +Rep will be appreciated.

Installed just fine. Appears to be working. Thank you for the great share.
Gave you +5 rep.
Please help in:
3.delete the both host file entries,then
Where I delete the file?
Thanks you!!!
Where you put them first: hostfile
(09-30-2014 07:25 AM)J_128 Wrote: [ -> ]Please help in:
3.delete the both host file entries,then
Where I delete the file?
Thanks you!!!
(09-30-2014 08:52 AM)kafirbaz12 Wrote: [ -> ]Where you put them first: hostfile (09-30-2014 07:25 AM)J_128 Wrote: [ -> ]Please help in:
3.delete the both host file entries,then
Where I delete the file?
Thanks you!!!
Thanks you, then I delete the "hostfile" file or these lines? http: //www.thebestspinner.com3
(09-30-2014 09:04 AM)J_128 Wrote: [ -> ] (09-30-2014 08:52 AM)kafirbaz12 Wrote: [ -> ]Where you put them first: hostfile (09-30-2014 07:25 AM)J_128 Wrote: [ -> ]Please help in:
3.delete the both host file entries,then
Where I delete the file?
Thanks you!!!
Thanks you, then I delete the "hostfile" file or these lines? http: //www.thebestspinner.com3
Hopefully only these lines which you put on hostfile before installation!
(always make a copy of your hostfile before)
I followed your instructions above exactly and keeps on asking me for the login info: email and password.
See here:
I get the same window all the time.
Could there be something not well explained in your instructions? Why would we add the two lines and then
delete them before opening the program again. I mean, if we delete the lines, there seems to be no point in adding them.