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[font=Open Sans, sans-serif]Hi, I have some questions about Solo Ads vendors lists:[/font]We know, that they are selling clicks. They do it everyday. So does the response level of list start to die off after a while?Or not?
How they avoid this? Are there free or paid possibilities to avoid this?
If they have i.e. 10 000 subscribers list, and from that list i.e. they can get 220 clicks everyday. It is ok when you sell all 220 clicks to one buyer. But how they sell 110 clicks to one buyer and 110 clicks to another buyer? They send one swipe to 5000 subscribers only and another to other 5000? How it is done?
What is average subsrcibers email opens rate %?I.e. how much subscribers they must have, if want to sell 300 clicks.
Thank you.
Yes, the response rate dies off. Vendors constantly rebuild their lists with fresh leads and delete old subscribers who don't open or click any more.
Most of us use rotator scripts in order to send the right number of clicks to a customer. Popular scripts are MyClickBoss, QualityClickControl, CoreClickMaximiser, Clickmagic.
To reliably send 300 clicks with one email blast, you'd want a list of at least 30k.
For mass mailing you should use dedicated servers for sending email to rotate IPs
I use a company that sells me the servers ready with Interspire:
but you can buy a dedicated or VPS server in any company

the secret is the number of IP which will have this machine, the rotation of the IP every minute and the amount that will send
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