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(09-30-2014 01:00 AM)montecristo Wrote: [ -> ]Fatal error: Class 'Memcache' not found in ***/poker/admin/includes/modules/real_time_storage/engines/rts_memcache.php

Read more @ : [GET]Texas Holdem Poker Room

dopeshow, I have memcache on my server, but there must be some files missing in this script.
If you claim otherwise, install your and show us demo.

Thank you
script complet 100%
script work 100%
Quote:Fatal error: Class 'Memcache' not found in
Memcache not work

Where's this demo site?
...and What hosting are you using to get this to work?

Many Reps await if this works! :-D
edit MySQL base server ip
edit rts_memcache.php server ip

search file edit ip server
is there some demo working, before I download. ;-)
no -------------------------
(10-01-2014 08:50 AM)nick12 Wrote: [ -> ]есть некоторые демо рабочий, прежде чем я скачать. ;-)
(10-01-2014 08:50 AM)nick12 Wrote: [ -> ]demo url site autor script demo url

http://*marked as SPAM*/mk76z6b

http://>>>[[[Reported by Members as Spam Site]]]<<</C8XGe

[quote='skyhunter' pid='934297' dateline='1412149803']
[quote='nick12' pid='933885' dateline='1412117452']
есть некоторые демо рабочий, прежде чем я скачать. ;-)

(10-02-2014 02:35 AM)dicky87smd Wrote: [ -> ]my site and who want ? Wink

PM mas Cool
(10-02-2014 03:26 AM)Bill Gates Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-02-2014 02:35 AM)dicky87smd Wrote: [ -> ]my site and who want ? Wink
I'm shared here : Lol

PM mas Cool
(09-30-2014 02:15 AM)Edjumacated_Bum Wrote: [ -> ]@skyhunter:

Where's this demo site?
...and What hosting are you using to get this to work?

Many Reps await if this works! :-D

It's Real working without error, im install it on my hosting -->
Dont forget to activated memcache module on your hosting.
anybody can help me to modify the script? how to make this script pay 10% to the dealer every get winner on table? :D
sorry my english so bad. Blush
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