Great share Vickiweb. I've known of Hartunian since the 90's, he really is the master of free publicity, this should be great info.
huge download anyone can mirror this at least the pdfs one by one?
amazing share, coming in at almost 6gb (thats SIX fuckin' gigabytes).
i cant imagine how long that took to zip up and then upload but many many thanks for doing it all the same.
max reps
(10-01-2014 08:03 AM)katara Wrote: [ -> ]huge download anyone can mirror this at least the pdfs one by one?
the pdf's are uploaded separately from the main course, coming in at a much more reasonable 77mb:
BTW, ive only downloaded the smaller parts of this course (basically, everything but the 5.4gb in #1 download). anyone able to say whats in those audio files - i.e. is it the author telling us whhat hes told us in the pdf's or is it separate information and if so, is it worth the download and diskspace?
Great share vickiweb, lots of gold in there.
Thanks for the share
From the sales letter, it look like a very f*** serious thing, way more serious than make a million while you sleep shit.
Why marketers do not write sales copies like that any more!
(09-28-2014 12:19 PM)ELVIS ZEPPELIN Wrote: [ -> ]A real winner Vicki!
Really appreciate it and Max Reps of course.
Have a great day!
ditto on that for sure!!!
+++++repd ... TYVM!

Hey vickiweb ~ MANY thanks for the message and heads up for :
P A U L H A R T U N I A N's 1M $ FREE PUBLICITY KIT ~ I always wanted it!
The MP3's will be PERFECT to listen to when I'm out exercising, probably last me till the end of the year!