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Full Version: [GET][Purchased][Updated] CodeCanyon Templetera + Templetera Widget
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Password is

And Judson, thank you again, fellow :)
Judson, could you please share the latest version of templetera?
if you don't have access to it anymore, I'll probably buy it and share it with you and people here...
I'm looking for it =)
Here's the latest version. Downloaded off CodeCanyon about 10 minutes ago. (23 Nov 2014). Password is the regular forum password.

Thank you again mate!
Let me know if I can help you on something!
Keep try update mate.. repp+
Judson, there is an update. Could you add update from 04.03.2015 - ver 1.1.1 please?
Hi guys. Have been a bit tied up lately. Will get on with the updates in a little bit.

04.03.2015 - ver 1.1.1
   - Fixed. Template access rules for post types


Apologies for the delay in updating this. Have just had a lot going on.
thank you......!!!!
You da man judson.
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