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Ashampoo HDD Control 2.10 DC 27.08.2014 Multilingual | 18.1 MB

HDD Control - software for monitoring the status of your hard drive.
This involves the hard drive for you. To prevent potential failures and
accidents before they happen. The software supports hard drives IDE and
serial ATA. Ashampoo HDD Control provides the user with all the
important facts and information about the drive, including registration
number, the version of the BIOS (firmware), cache size, number of
sections, which are divided into hard, disk space and current

If you are not near your computer, the program can be configured to
notify you of the alert by email. The final report also provides
information on health and performance of the hard disk, shown in
percentages. Over time, a growing number of unwanted and unneeded files
accumulate on your hard drive, and Ashampoo HDD Control is a useful tool
to help you locate those and delete these files. If available space is
not enough, the program can defragment your hard, with much better
standard Windows-defragmenter.

Monitoring, clean-up and defragmentation
Ashampoo HDD Control software performs hard disk maintenance for you.
This involves taking measures to prevent potential failures and crashes
before they occur. Towards this end, the program combines several
functions available for the first time in this particular configuration.
software supports all commonly available IDE and serial ATA drives.
Please note, however, that devices connected to the system via USB,
firewire or RAID controller often do not support this function. Based on
the type of drive in use, Ashampoo HDD Control provides the user with
all important facts and information, including the firmware version,
number of configured partitions, drive space and current temperature. As
the number of signs indicating that the drive could soon potentially
fail begins to mount, the background guard signals an alarm. If you are
not near your computer, the program can be set up to notify you of the
alert by email. In the final report, the program also provides
information on the health and performance of the hard drive shown in
Over time, an ever-growing number of
unwanted and unneeded files accumulate on your hard drive and Ashampoo
HDD Control is a useful tool to help you locate and delete these files.
Temporary files, files in the recycling bin and backup copies are all
removed. In addition, the software empties the cache, clears the
browsing history and erases cookies from the Internet browser.
empty space appears when you delete a file from your hard drive. This
gap is then filled the next time a file is saved to disk. If not enough
space is available to store the complete file in this space, it is
broken up into fragments. Windows in turn saves these at different
locations on the hard drive in order to make best use of the available
gaps. For this reason, it is easy to understand why the computer takes
longer to read the file, since it first of all needs to locate and
assemble all the separate fragments. With its defragmentation module,
Ashampoo HDD Control is able to read out file fragments and arrange
these in one cluster on the hard drive to ensure rapid access. As a
result, the hard drive needs to spin less while the performance remains
unchanged. As an additional benefit, there is less demand placed on
system resources.

+REP Added. THanks for the share bro. :-)
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