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Pages: 1 2
Create a file called "test.php" in your webserver root.

Add the following:

PHP Code:

Open the file in your browser and you'll find the following.

Curl Support (I highly doubt PHP was compiled without support for it):


URL Open Support:

"allow_url_fopen => On"

If "allow_url_fopen" is set to off, you're host might be running suPHP, this might work.

Create "php.ini" in webserver root.

Add the following to the file.

allow_url_fopen = On;
Hi, I have a problem. After following the TUTORIAL. i get this http://#########\/index.php/login. how do i fix the \/ to /.
Hi, I have a problem after i followed the TUTORIAL. I get this in the address bar( http://#########\/index.php/login) How do i remove the \.
Link is dead.Please update new links.Thanks
Pages: 1 2
Reference URL's