(09-23-2014 07:27 PM)uzairrrr Wrote: [ -> ] (09-23-2014 07:15 AM)arifsha Wrote: [ -> ]Get SENuke xCr 3.2.28 Cracked 32&64 Bit Version
Here is the 32 bit version download link
ON 32 bit version when to try to login with senuke may be it will show "senuke in not authenticated" Don't Penic just click on OK it will work fine
and here is 64 for bit version download link
Both version Is working ! Fully Tested By Me After Cracking !
Rep + max Would be Appreciated
Sometimes you guys may busy so can you let us know how to crack the new version of senuke?
I can't Teach you because it's against the rule Of CyperPunk ! Who Teach me This So He will not allow me to do this so sorry about that :(
(09-23-2014 07:27 PM)uzairrrr Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,
Sometimes you guys may busy so can you let us know how to crack the new version of senuke?
so what?
this is last version!!!!!

Yes it is, just thinking about next updates..
(09-23-2014 08:35 PM)cchangkhongayngo Wrote: [ -> ] (09-23-2014 07:27 PM)uzairrrr Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,
Sometimes you guys may busy so can you let us know how to crack the new version of senuke?
so what?
this is last version!!!!! 
I think
CyperPunk was created the thread to crack SENuke but now I didn't found anywhere.
(09-23-2014 07:54 PM)arifsha Wrote: [ -> ] (09-23-2014 07:27 PM)uzairrrr Wrote: [ -> ] (09-23-2014 07:15 AM)arifsha Wrote: [ -> ]Get SENuke xCr 3.2.28 Cracked 32&64 Bit Version
Here is the 32 bit version download link
ON 32 bit version when to try to login with senuke may be it will show "senuke in not authenticated" Don't Penic just click on OK it will work fine
and here is 64 for bit version download link
Both version Is working ! Fully Tested By Me After Cracking !
[font=Arial]Rep + max Would be Appreciated
Sometimes you guys may busy so can you let us know how to crack the new version of senuke?
I can't Teach you because it's against the rule Of CyperPunk ! Who Teach me This So He will not allow me to do this so sorry about that :(
Yes It was :) But Not Now :( You can ask It To CyberPunk Him Self !
Agree with Arifsha.
where is CP anyway? he went on holidays some time back..
Thanks man + rep added, keep up the good work we will keep rep-in
Thanks Arifsha. The good work.