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Full Version: [GET] [Exclusive BBHF] Ulead Pro 3.8 Dev 2 Facebook UID Scraper (Cracked) [Updated]
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Targeting names isn't allowed by faceboo anymore, so my advise, forget the idea, otherwise they will ban your ads account !


Convert the UID's to facebook email addresses and you can use them without any problem !

Check my Social Lead Freak Thread or search for any software that will allow you to do such task !

Or next time when you use the software, export the Facebook emails instead of the UID's :)

Very interesting.. So basically instead of using uids we can use the emails ? Is there anyway to use uids anymore ?
It's a little complicated to use UID's , but I found one trick, I'm using it a coupe days ago with a new account I'll let you know if it's safe or not !
what the activattion and email
Can anyone tell from which one of these hosting sites you download the Ulead Pro? I could not find one working. Can anyone re-upload or create a torrent. It will be much appreciated Smile
Thanks for sharing
Is there anyone has the Ulead Pro ver 4.3 (uncrack is OK)? Please share us :)

Thanks so much
can we have a GB for this?
link dosen't work :/
Anybody re-upload the file please. It tells link error.
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