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Full Version: [GET] Lead Octopus Pro - Wordpress Plugin
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(09-23-2014 03:23 AM)djackway Wrote: [ -> ]Though I would Share this great plugin I use on my own sites.
This is a purchased plugin that I paid for myself and offers an unlimited license with it.
Hope you all enjoy it. This is only the PRO edition and it also includes the OTO's for the PRO edition

The Sales Page
Magic Button :

Magic Button :!mglRRRrQ!3vSimbD5ORs-Z_Of1DTWOj3shGxGcO6IUz6kTsBG2iI

If you find this helpful please add a REP, Cheers
Cheers to u again brother. Managed to update it from 1.0 to 1.18 after nulling :D

Grab it here ... left out all the other goodies from OP archive..might want those or not. copy over check.php if for whatever reason u need to use the regular leadoctopus.
Anybody have more demos? There are 6 included but there are many more...
Hi everyone, just a note with some Wordpress plugins, I've found that you sometimes need to update your php on your server to get them to work ie from 5.2 to 5.4 and some I've read need 5.5. Anyway I've had the problem b4 so I make sure all my servers are on 5.4 if I can.
Working fine - just extract the zip, upload via FTP to your plugins folder, and activate.

However. Has anyone had success getting Facebook subscribers to successfully show in the stats? I've signed up two test accounts, and they are getting notifications via the app on Facebook, but when I go into the Lists section of the plugin, it shows zero subscribers. Anyone else?
this second one workin well Thanks
Working fine Thanks
frozen after entering validation key on plugin. ideas?
im getting connection timeout
nice share thanks a lot
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