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(09-14-2014 09:10 AM)yamphy2012 Wrote: [ -> ]I am re-uploading the files
what's the link for the files you re-uped? the d/l link in your OP still gets me a pdf with d/l link that goes to a blank page!
Please send mirror site
Yup looks like the link is a blank page so the files will need to be uploaded to a mirror (copy is great)
Thanks for the share...+5REPS

bLANK !!!
I am uploading 14 files here.


Please rep if this is successful. My first share!!:)
thanks great! rep added
(09-14-2014 12:13 PM)yamphy2012 Wrote: [ -> ]I am uploading 14 files here.

Magic Button :

Please rep if this is successful. My first share!!:)
Great share and nice job using copy...+5REPS
(09-14-2014 01:06 PM)yamphy2012 Wrote: [ -> ]Shared here:

Actually what is shared there is a link to a PDF. That PDF has a link. The link is dead.
Try this:


Files uploaded

Please rep if you find useful. Thanks
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