Hey Everyone,
Not sure if there has been something like this released or not but.. I have a huge email list in Excel, Now I was wondering if there is a script/bot that will import these leads through a web form into Aweber?
I would appreciate any comments, Thanks in advance
I have 8 million email addresses - do NOT make the BIG mistake to import those in
F... A(hole)weber - they will 'asses' your database.
with aweber there is no change of a good outcome - try to make people on this list subscribe for another freebie to an aweber list.
you can try mailchimp in chunks of 3000 but they too will look if not too many people complain by unsubscribing - they count the un subscriber rate, with mailchimp you have a little chance you get away with direct import but I say do not risk your business.
Personally I totally reversed my thinking.
I want to get paid $1 or $2 per subscriber first BEFORE I send them ANY offer.
I do not cling onto my new subscribers emotionally and do not know who they are,
I only know what kind of topic leads they are but not their demographics.
means I already have sold my sub before they know me or my stuff.
Now I have earned $1 or $2 per lead I am going to put in time to learn
who they are and show them who i am or what my products are.
TOTALLY different approach of email marketing then we classic learned,
I understand why you want to import to aweber
(for deliver ability or showing numbers) or for solo swaps.
But now you have to pay for every sub on your list without knowing
if they ever are going to buy anything from you while Your costs and time keeps ticking writing articles, sending to squeeze pages and keep on paying for the space they take on your list to aweber.
I do not say not to use aweber, I say do not use aweber to import useless subs that sink your business to the bottom - never ever import to aweber.
I am an older gentleman now for some years in this game since 1996,
lost the game a few times while trying out experiments, but do know you can always start again after game over. aweber has become shit, so do know they do not care to close you down, so any noob can complain about spam while in fact they are too lazy to unsubscribe via your link; they stay in their Gmail inbox checkmarking your mail as SPAM so they don't have to search for an unsubscribe link in your email. This counts towards your complaint ratio of bounced mail for they are still in your next mail round as a genuine subscriber of yours but now detected by gmail as spam.
So you have kept your end of every rule while you pay money hmm?
tough love aweber says - you are out, we want to stay good friends with gmail so
please go F.. yourself while we close down your list and keep all your $ you paid.
This is because of the behavior of your own subs whom are getting overprotected
against you the "dirty" "shady" marketeer.
My advise is to take it a few levels up not playing kiddy games anymore to run
this as a hard business, you can contact me if you need help.
My leads were from Aweber and Getresponse and other Autoresponders, how ever AW banned my account, but I've made another one. My friend, mate uses a script to import leads into Aweber.. So there is a script out there, just don't know where it is. With Aweber API, Can you do this? I searched it on Google and it says this lol?
"Everything you need to know to build an app" (09-14-2014 01:53 AM)TCpost Wrote: [ -> ]I have 8 million email addresses - do NOT make the BIG mistake to import those in
F... A(hole)weber - they will 'asses' your database.
with aweber there is no change of a good outcome - try to make people on this list subscribe for another freebie to an aweber list.
you can try mailchimp in chunks of 3000 but they too will look if not too many people complain by unsubscribing - they count the un subscriber rate, with mailchimp you have a little chance you get away with direct import but I say do not risk your business.
Personally I totally reversed my thinking.
I want to get paid $1 or $2 per subscriber first BEFORE I send them ANY offer.
I do not cling onto my new subscribers emotionally and do not know who they are,
I only know what kind of topic leads they are but not their demographics.
means I already have sold my sub before they know me or my stuff.
Now I have earned $1 or $2 per lead I am going to put in time to learn
who they are and show them who i am or what my products are.
TOTALLY different approach of email marketing then we classic learned,
I understand why you want to import to aweber
(for deliver ability or showing numbers) or for solo swaps.
But now you have to pay for every sub on your list without knowing
if they ever are going to buy anything from you while Your costs and time keeps ticking writing articles, sending to squeeze pages and keep on paying for the space they take on your list to aweber.
I do not say not to use aweber, I say do not use aweber to import useless subs that sink your business to the bottom - never ever import to aweber.
I am an older gentleman now for some years in this game since 1996,
lost the game a few times while trying out experiments, but do know you can always start again after game over. aweber has become shit, so do know they do not care to close you down, so any noob can complain about spam while in fact they are too lazy to unsubscribe via your link; they stay in their Gmail inbox checkmarking your mail as SPAM so they don't have to search for an unsubscribe link in your email. This counts towards your complaint ratio of bounced mail for they are still in your next mail round as a genuine subscriber of yours but now detected by gmail as spam.
So you have kept your end of every rule while you pay money hmm?
tough love aweber says - you are out, we want to stay good friends with gmail so
please go F.. yourself while we close down your list and keep all your $ you paid.
This is because of the behavior of your own subs whom are getting overprotected
against you the "dirty" "shady" marketeer.
My advise is to take it a few levels up not playing kiddy games anymore to run
this as a hard business, you can contact me if you need help.
Thanks mate I appreciate your help :) But there is a script where the lead just signs up to a capture page and then that lead just gets added to your list, Aweber allows single opt-in so once that lead is on there, its on there for good :) You just need to turn double opt-in off on the web form settings. Rep added though :)
(09-15-2014 04:30 AM)TCpost Wrote: [ -> ]dear tomkent023
I understand You want to continue importing to aweber.
Did You understood my explanation this will for sure cost you extra money or
in worst case why you get banned ?
Do not say I did not warn You on the how and why.
They WILL force your subs to re-confirm subscription.
In the panel is an easy upload for CSV/TXT file
pyton php scripts
again just try to help you, it is better to get paid first per sub and
only then then let them signup for a service like aweber.
They have to re-confirm anyway.
wish you the best