Magento product list AJAX scroll v2.0
These new features include;
1. Show a “Load more products” button after page X. This will enable the visitor to reach your page footer in large categories.
2. Disable the history feature which creates #page urls, so the browser’s back button functionality does not break. Hence enabling you to load all the pages without a “hashtag change”.
3. Enable Google Anyaltics support, keeping track when the user scrolls to new pages.
4. Loading the next page before the user reaches the bottom of the page.
In addition we did some cleaning up;
1. You can now enable or disable the inclusion of jQuery. So now you can prevent jQuery loading twice, if it’s already used in some other Magento extension. Keep in mind that jQuery is required, one way or another!
2. The CSS and JS files for the scroll to top and ajax scroll functionality will only be included if you enable those features.
3. Translation files have been added for multilingual store setups. And a Dutch translation is present by default. Send us your translations, we will include them!
The magical 10 steps to make this work in your Magento shop?
1. Download the zip, version 2.0 (DAH!)
2. Extract it’s contents to the root of your Magento installation. You can use FTP to do that. It’s the directory containing index.php [App] [Skin] [Media] among others
3. Log in to your Magento backend
4. Go to System -> Cache Management, select all options, and in the action dropdown select “Refresh”. Then click Submit.
5. Log out/in to your backend
6. Go to System -> Configuration -> Catalog and drop down the “Front-end” selection
7. The extension adds a new option here; “Use jQuery Infinite Ajax Scroll” and this new version adds the option “Use jQuery UItoTop”.
8. Set both “Use jQuery Infinite Ajax Scroll” and “Use jQuery UItoTop” to “Yes”. Enable the jQuery include option if you do not know what the hell I’m talking about or disable it if it’s already included elsewhere. You can also mess around with the settings that correspond with the new features mentioned above.
9. Click save config.
10. All done!
Download Link:
<b>Magento browser update notice<b>
Instructions for installing this extension in 10 easy do-it-yourself steps.
1. Download the zip (DUH!)
2. Extract it’s contents to the root of your Magento installation. You can use FTP to do that. It’s the directory containing index.php [App] [Skin] [Media] among others
3. Log in to your Magento backend
4. Go to System -> Cache Management, select all options, and in the action dropdown select “Refresh”. Then click Submit.
5. Log out/in to your backend
6. Go to System -> Configuration -> Web and drop down the “Browser update notice” selection
7. You can set you options here. If you set auto update, will decide which browsers need to update. I recommend you to set this to No. This will give you the options to specify which browsers version you support. You can set “Always show this notice” to yes if you want to customize the notice appearance and set it back once you’re done.
8. Set “Enable notice” to “Yes”
9. Click save config.
10. All done!
Magento store pickup
download link:
Magento product list AJAX scroll v1.1
download link:
Always show shipping costs in Magento
download link: