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HP Probook/Elitebook BIOS Password Reset Utility PDATE 8-11-2014 | 31.6 Mb

A system/tool I have created that WILL help some of you reset and clear the Password/TPM on select HP Probook/Elitebook laptops.

It contain both ShiChuang based keygen and DOS based. The Original ShiChuang based keygen system what creates a key based on your input, or the new DOS based tool that gets all parameters automatically. Keys generated from ShiChuang must still be run from DOS.

HP 6550B, HP 2530P, HP 6930P, HP 8530W, HP 8460P, HP 6460B, HP 2230S ,HP 6455B, HP 2730P, HP 8530P, HP 2740P, HP 4310S, HP s4510, HP 6535B, HP 6730B, HP 6735B, HP 8730W, HP 2560P, HP 8560P, HP 8440P, HP 8540W, HP 8560W
If your model is not listed you may experiment with the 'Make All' or SHOTGUN.

To use this system, select your supported hp probook/elitebook model from the drop-down list. The Serial Number field and UUID Filed will need to be populated with data. This data needs to be that of your own laptop's. Booting to this thumbdrive (if this package was created from official .img will obtain this information automatically and can be imported.
Once data is entered/imported into the fields, click the 'make key' or 'Make All' button and a file will be created in the /output folder.
You may then reboot to this thumbdrive and CD to 'output' and run your exe file, or CD to 'outputall' and run shotgun.bat

Booting to this USB Drive will collect information about your and save it to file.
Clicking 'Import' will read the information and fill out the fields automatically.
If you have noot booted this thumbrive, there will be nothing to import.

Is your modle not on the list? Use the 'Make All' button to create all posible
keys Using your UUID and SN. This will output them to the 'outputall' directory.
This will also create shotgun.bat file. Boot to this thumbdrive and CD to 'outputall.
Run shotgun.bat.

This makes a single Key based on your SN and UUID for the selected Model.
file will be created in the 'output' folder.
Reboot to this thumbdrive and CD to 'output' and run your exe file.

PDATE 8-11-14
Confirmed another model: HP 6735p. Added lil video for locked boot order, and how to image to USB SATA HDD.

If your BIOS has a locked set boot order, and will only boot to HDD, you need to take a laptop SATA drive and use an external adapter and image the HDD just as you would a USB thumbdrive, Then replace the internal HDD with your newly imaged DOS boot-able HDD. Powering on the machine will boot to the DOS environment and run my tools.

Download contains "USB Image Tool". Use this app to 'Restore' my included image to a USB Thumbdrive or 2.5" SATA HDD attached via USB . If using USB SATA HDD, select the 'Options' tab in USB Image Tool and check 'Show non-removable devices (USB hard disk drives)' to be able to view the HDD in the app. Click your device, and then click 'Restore'. A file dialog will pop up, select the IMG file included with my package. After the process (takes less than a minute), the device is ready to boot.

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