REVIEW OF...How to do TORRENTS and about KEYGENS
To those that don't have a clue, (as has been noted on previous posts).
If you don't know how to load torrents, it's very easy. Type in BitTorrent or UTorrent and there's others, so just type in free download of Torrent, or anything like that.
Download and open program. Put icon where you know it is. Open program and go to 'dialog box' and start preferencing where you want the downloads to go and what happens with them. They usually go direct tothe 'downloads' folder.
Now with the torrents that have so generously been provided, just double-click on any one that you want and the program sometimes asks if you want tos ave or open the torrent. In this case, click open and then the 'torrent' uploads itself into the program and starts sharing your download with other uploads and downloads around the world. If you have a slow server, then it won't download as quickly. Sometimes it's better to download at night, (depending where you are and in what country) as this means there aren't as many people trying to download and overloading servers.
Once finished, close it off, (or do the right thing and seed for a few hours or a day to help others, as they have helped you).
Go to downloads and there will be your product or program. Without being in a Zip file, because all the individual parts come from countries and then join up together. Usually, torrents are safe, because a lot of good people will upload and seed regularly.
Also, with your anti-virus and firewall, click on those to make the torrents acceptable and with what comes through them.
Now when a KEYGEN is marked as a trojan, just ignore entirely. In fact turn off your internet security and make that Keygen as an accepted allowance through the software. All, and I do mean all security software marks every single KeyGen and most times patches, get marked as trojans. If you don't fix this firewall and security allowance, then you'll find that the bloody software will either put it in to quarantine or else just delete it deliberately. That's why, when you get a zipfile with a KeyGen, then keep that zipfile as a bckup, so that it can't get deleted.
I hope that helps you, if you didn't know any of this, (and
REPS are always welcomed) and Thanks.