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Full Version: [GET] Construct 2 R 178 Include Business License [Latest Version]
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This would be awesome if anyone has a fix for the newest version. I have the free version and am loving learning it, but for making money, will need to get an upgraded license.
OMG!! thanks a lot brother! :)
okay good ... but does anyone has the tutorial video / ebook for this app?
(09-11-2014 04:47 PM)riefkhy Wrote: [ -> ]
CONSTRUCT 2 R 178 Latest Version [New Business License]

[Image: start-page-01.png]
Can you update it ?

[Image: behaviors-panel-01.png]


What is Construct 2?

Construct 2 is a ground breaking HTML5 game engine.

It lets anyone make games - without any programming experience.

Who is Construct 2 for?

Construct 2 is suitable for people who:

Want to start making their own games

Want to make production quality games

Want to rapidly prototype new games

Want to move on from old tech like Flash

Sales Page :

Installer + License :

Password : Usual Password

Enjoy guys latest version for you all!!!
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