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Full Version: Ways to f**k up someone's life / make their life a living hell?
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As a "practice" I have been trying to understand the Dark methods of Kenrick Cleveland.. I find
him difficult to listen to..
I'm sure there's some NLP stuff like that ... I have Unknowingly done it before.. I think due to
being in sales you learn manipulation... (not from the company but for survival. LOL)..
and perhaps I have suggested some stuff to certain persons and caused them to move towards
a direction of my intent.. but I really don't know.. I never did this intentionally.. or with harm intended.. you
could say I just reacted out of anger.. which of course will eat you alive.

But i do find this mind control hypnosis , NLP stuff interesting.. not to mention sending someone a subscription to Playgirl might be funny..

one that is truly legit.. as far as I know is wwwDOTpoopsendersDotcom.. I think it's not that mean.. and a good prank.. :)
Enough !!! I Got irritated of this responses ? What are you people ?

Its really enjoyable to harass and harm other people and i love that , I Had a room mate in my hostel who complained about my drunk habits and made me kicked out ,
I Once appointed few people to kick him black and blue and and due to a strong hit on his head , He died :D
Hahaha ... Im safe as the people whom i appointed never saw me just heard me from a public phone
I guess you can submit their contact details to a gay escort directory?
I totally agree to 301 and the Karma will bounce back, every company that ever fired me no longer exists, some of which were huge major companies.

Just move him out of your life and consider it training.

However, for the entertainment of the thread here are a few things I do when I am annoyed with someone

- Look for any web assets I can distrupt
- Subscribe him to newsletters from different organizations, I google subscribe newsletter KEYWORD and then register him, the keywords may include

various religions
Racist organizations
Extremist forums, but say in profile he opposes their beliefs

If you want to be a real B****** you can write a blog on wordpress asking

Is John Doe a pedo

Or do a video with the same title

Write an article saying some 3rd party says he might me and ask for more info if they have one, list the last known area being careful not to put the address.

then seo the shit out of it, put in a link wheel and use Xrumer and SenukeX to create articles and then scrapebox comment to it

By asking the question you are not defaming him

Scrapeboxing comments on Transexual blogs saying you are confused and would like to be contacted by those who are going through the same thing, include his email and phone. Rinse and Repeat for any deviant fetish you can find. Or just get one of those 9 million lists of scrapebox blogs and spam something similar to all of them with a link to his website as well as his contract details in the comment.

There are some list sites that can get you spammed to death, they tend to include existing emails and have an option to remove yours from the list but actually add it.

You could go grab some email lists, add his to each one and mail them.

You could do a lot of spam and use his email as the reply address in the email text, say "if you are interested please email me at

If he has a website you can Xrrumer or Senuke the hell out of it, leave it on 24/7, do it over and over until his site is banned by Google.

Create a clone of his email on Yahoo or Gmail, go on nasty forums and express opposite views, make people angry, call them a pussy and say if they had any balls they would meet you and settle like a man in the real world, if they accept, give his address and say to knock on his door on Sunday at 7am.

Needless to say if you are going to do any web stuff use proxies or a VPN

As I said best to chalk it up to experience and move on, let Karma deal
with him, for that to happen you must do absolutely nothing.
The best way?
Be yourself in peace, no matter what has happened.
That's a wise way to deal with whatever thing you may think about.
Ask yourself why, and start gathering more info =)
You'll find it out!
Forgive Him.. Because this is the best virtue of life.
Nah, I would just make sure that after seeing my face, he wakes up in a hospital room wondering what the hell happened to him.
(09-10-2014 11:56 PM)HangiMaru Wrote: [ -> ]"Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery" By Malcolm X
Joking, that's in a very extreme case but if the person just gets under your skin or rubs you the wrong way: in other words acts human like the rest of us. Just go on with your life, it's not worth the hassle of worrying about something so petty, you probably do it unknowingly to someone else. Would you like for anyone to cause harm to you or your family? Let it go. Worrying how to get back at a particular person just consumes your valuable time and energy. You need to focus on greater priorities in your personal life than just vengeance.
You are in luck. For $10 you can send him glitter that will explode and be everywhere in his house which he will have to vaccum very angrily. Website is here:

You can also phone prank him with a prerecorded message that sounds totally real. website is called and its free if you call him before 10 pm. Use the you hit my car. It sounds most realistic.

You can also submit his phone number to ownagepranks on youtube. Guy does 8 different voices and pranks a person a week and submits video to youtube. He can make the callers really angry easily and he always wins the arguements. look him up on youtube
Just shoot him... and THEN forget about him. Works every time!*

* Just kidding :)
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