09-09-2014, 09:26 PM
Pages: 1 2
09-10-2014, 04:37 PM
link is
it redirect to PayPal Home Page.

it redirect to PayPal Home Page.
09-11-2014, 01:38 PM
Too bad you guys missed out :(
- This site WAS / IS owned by Paypal, read my comments on the OP.
- It didnt ask for Password which I clearly stated
- Offer is now finished, sorry
For the record - Paypal many times offer deals on sites not DIRECTLY on the Paypal.com web address.
- This site WAS / IS owned by Paypal, read my comments on the OP.
- It didnt ask for Password which I clearly stated
- Offer is now finished, sorry
For the record - Paypal many times offer deals on sites not DIRECTLY on the Paypal.com web address.
(09-09-2014 01:07 AM)allmaza Wrote: [ -> ]this is paypal phishing page noobs be care full dont put any login details in it
09-11-2014, 08:32 PM
(09-11-2014 01:38 PM)⁞J∆Y⁞G∆TSBY⁞® Wrote: [ -> ]- It didnt ask for Password which I clearly statedI have clearly confirmed that.
Thank you again for the deal.
Paypal give these gifts so rarely.
Pages: 1 2