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Full Version: [GET] Unthinking: The Surprising Forces Behind What We Buy
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What do Howard Hughes and 50 Cent have in common, and what do they tell
us about Americans and our desires? Why did Sean Connery stop wearing a
toupee, and what does this tell us about American customers for any
product? What one thing did the Beatles, Malcolm Gladwell and Nike all
notice about Americans that helped them win us over? Which uniquely
American traits may explain the plights of Krispy Kreme, Ford, and GM,
and the risks faced by Starbuck’s? Why, after every other plea failed,
did “Click It or Ticket” get people to buy the idea of fastening their
seat belts? To paraphrase Don Draper’s character on the hit show Mad
Men, “What do people want?” What is the new American psyche, and how do
America’s shrewdest marketers tap it? Drawing from dozens of
disciplines, the internationally acclaimed marketing expert Harry
Beckwith answers these questions with some surprising, even startling,
truths and discoveries about what motivates us.

Magic Button :

interesting share, thanks
re-up request

Brother SS always a great share
Thanks again
Excellent share. Thanks. Repped
re-up request

Thanks + Rep, StillStanding, for taking the time to share this book and for the new re-up link!
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