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Whether you believe what's in this book, or believe perhaps that this mans brain was playing tricks on him for what his perception of what Heaven is really like, it seems like it would be a good read.

As he is driving home
from a minister's conference, Baptist minister Don Piper collides with a
semi-truck that crosses into his lane. He is pronounced dead at the
scene. For the next 90 minutes, Piper experiences heaven where he is
greeted by those who had influenced him spiritually. He hears beautiful
music and feels true peace.

Back on earth, a passing minister who
had also been at the conference is led to pray for Don even though he
knows the man is dead. Piper miraculously comes back to life and the
bliss of heaven is replaced by a long and painful recovery.

For years Piper kept his heavenly experience to himself. Finally, however,
friends and family convinced him to share his remarkable story.

Magic Button :
I've read this before and it touched my inner being. Good read. Hope y'all pick something from this?
should be a good read, thanks
Nice share
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