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Full Version: [GET] CodeCanyon - Fresh Custom Code - WordPress Plugin - Direct Download
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Downloaded straight from my CodeCanyon account this morning.

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The regular password here
Much Appreciated, thanks!
great share deserves a bump. +10 from me
awesome! rep+
Great share!
+5 Reps added
thank your.. rep added!!
cant seem to get this working under wordpress 4.0 or 3.92. Activates/installs fine, even listed under plugins active list, but dont get the Custom Code submenu under appearance. i havnt really taken the time to look into it @ code level, but at first glance, the entire directory structure just feels off bigtime. as if this was originally intended to be a standalone script, and loosely shuffled into a plugin
You are right .... the install is totally random.

I have found that pretty much the only way to get it to work properly is to install the .ZIP file marked "UPLOAD THIS" via the install function in WordPress.

There are two components to the plugin. One is the Fresh Framework. The other is the plugin. The framework is also used in their other Code Canyon plugins like Fresh Favicons etc.
(09-15-2014 06:08 PM)Judson Wrote: [ -> ]You are right .... the install is totally random.

I have found that pretty much the only way to get it to work properly is to install the .ZIP file marked "UPLOAD THIS" via the install function in WordPress.

There are two components to the plugin. One is the Fresh Framework. The other is the plugin. The framework is also used in their other Code Canyon plugins like Fresh Favicons etc.

appreciate the share all the same :) i will though try to use the wp installer. for now im using C@ldera Engine which is beyond epic. it is based on MyShortC0des its predecessor. It not only allows custom code, but custom javascript and css. and allows u to convert into crosscompatible shortcoddes and royalty-free distributable plugin installers :) If ir into that sort of thing it is well worth it. developed by fellow countryman.
Link dead, please update.

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