09-05-2014, 04:04 PM
I didn't copy this share. I worked it out on my own. Stop trolling and go and learn how to crack this then come back and contribute positively 
Update: I have also sent a PM to the person who cracked this guy's other software but he/she hasn't been on the forum for a couple of weeks now. Just be patient and someone will crack it. It seems to have been shared in the VIP section but I am not sure if they have cracked it but it will come here in time. Just be patient. Thanks for your understanding :D
Post 4 explains why there isn't a sales page as it isn't been released as it is just a bonus and is beta testing.

Update: I have also sent a PM to the person who cracked this guy's other software but he/she hasn't been on the forum for a couple of weeks now. Just be patient and someone will crack it. It seems to have been shared in the VIP section but I am not sure if they have cracked it but it will come here in time. Just be patient. Thanks for your understanding :D
Post 4 explains why there isn't a sales page as it isn't been released as it is just a bonus and is beta testing.